AgriTech Partnership to Revolutionize Livestock Management Practices in Kazakhstan
AgriTech Partnership to Revolutionize Livestock Management Practices in Kazakhstan.
Interview for "Business Case: Askhat Zhanibek on Creating a Startup in Agriculture and Why It's a Promising Business Sector."
Interview for "Business Case: Askhat Zhanibek on Creating a Startup in Agriculture and Why It's a Promising Business Sector."
Big interview for about COWMAS
From a bank office to a farm. How a risk manager decided to start an agrotechnological startup.
Interview for StartHub Wageningen
The startup COWMAS recently obtained a Start-Up Loan for business development aimed at students.
Press release on attraction of grant funding by COWMAS
Dear friends, now it is official! We are pleased to announce that COWMAS has attracted grant funding from the «QazInnovations» the National institute of Kazakhstan in the field of technological development!
+7(777) 706 7080
Nazarbayev University NURIS Technopark, Kabanbay batyr district 53, block S4, office 510