Handheld Scan

Rapid recalculation Precise identification Simple search

Handheld Scan™ - is a long-range scanning device used for rapid identification, counting of animals, and locating individual specimens within a herd.

How it works?

Count mode

Allows quick inventory, identification, and counting of the number of animals.

Hunt mode

Allows quick and remote identification and location of an animal within the herd.

What features does the product provides?

Quick herd count of animals

Quick herd identification and counting of livestock under any weather conditions in their natural environment or in pens without the need for herding into a split.

Finding an animal in the herd

Quickly and remotely identify the animal you need to find by switching to "hunt" mode and scanning the group of animals, following the sound signal.

Regular monitoring

Collecting information for the work of zootechnicians, veterinarians, and management.

Convenience for work anywhere

A portable and wireless scanner is a convenient and indispensable assistant for field work, on the range, and at any point on the farm. The scanner will remember the GPS coordinates of the location where you discovered the animals.

Any other questions?

+7(777) 706 7080

Nazarbayev University NURIS Technopark, Kabanbay batyr district 53, block S4, office 510

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