Gate Scan

Accurate counting and identification of animal groups on the move!

Gate Scan™ - is a system for counting, tracking, and individual identification of animals as they pass through gates, pens, or enclosures on your farm.

How it works?

Gate Scan

Allow to quickly identify each individual and count the entire herd of animals at the moment of their passage through the gates.

What features does the product provides?

Reduction of time for counting animals

Automatic counting and tracking of each individual animal's presence as they move through the gates.

Record information on moving livestock

Control your gates for loading and obtain precise records with timestamps of animals being loaded onto trucks.

Instant herd inventory

Check which exact animals enter or exit the farm territory, with timestamps of their last detection.

Any other questions?

+7(777) 706 7080

Nazarbayev University NURIS Technopark, Kabanbay batyr district 53, block S4, office 510

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