About us

Our company

COWMAS is an agritech company offering comprehensive solutions in the field of precision livestock farming.

We facilitate farm management using IT technologies aimed at increasing animal productivity, reducing costs, as well as enhancing operational efficiency and business sustainability.

Our mission

  • Providing farmers with effective agritech solutions for livestock management.

  • Enhancing the sustainability and operational efficiency of livestock farmers' businesses.

  • Reducing risks for stakeholders in the meat livestock market, promoting export development, and making the industry "bankable".

  • Ensuring transparency in the supply chain of high-quality livestock products from farm to consumers.

Our top values


Supporting ecological and sustainable practices in livestock farming.


Continuous improvement of technologies and development of new features.

Animal welfare.

A happy animal. Favorable conditions for the care and maintenance of animals.


Offering accessible solutions for farmers of all categories and specialties.


Economic and operational efficiency of the proposed solutions.


Providing reliable and user-friendly solutions.

Our vision

The future of livestock farming worldwide is closely tied to the development and implementation of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) tools and sustainable farming practices. PLF, based on data collection and analysis for each animal, will optimize herd management, enhance farm-wide operational efficiency, and ensure the quality of the produced goods.

Central Asia, and Kazakhstan in particular, boasts longstanding traditions in livestock farming. Vast pastures provide a robust and cost-effective feed base, offering substantial potential for industry growth. The government actively supports agricultural development and modernization. The adoption of practices such as animal welfare, sustainable livestock farming, free-range grazing, minimal or no use of antibiotics, high-quality product standards, and adherence to halal requirements aligns with increasing international interest from potential partners seeking to invest in the sector and purchase livestock products.

COWMAS, offering solutions and services for remote management and monitoring of farm operations, presents an attractive entry point into the industry and a reliable partner for your business.

Build a sustainable and efficient livestock business with us!

+7(777) 706 7080

Nazarbayev University NURIS Technopark, Kabanbay batyr district 53, block S4, office 510

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