Press release on attraction of grant funding by COWMAS

Dear friends, now it is official!!! We are pleased to announce that COWMAS has attracted grant funding from the «QazInnovations» the National institute of Kazakhstan in the field of technological development!

The competition for innovative grants for technology commercialization was held from February to May 2021. According to QazInnovations, 575 applications were submitted for the grant competion. After the two-stage expertise and pitching, 5 startups became grant recipients, including the COWMAS project! We would like to thank the Grant Funding Council of Qazinnovation for their faith in our project and their support, the team and management of «QazInnovations» represented by the Chairman of the Board Mr. Ilyas Ospanov for the qualitative organization of the competition. Special thanks are to the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan represented by the Minister, Mr. Bagdat Musin for the development of Kazakhstan’s startup ecosystem and the special attention given to early-stage startups.

The grant from Qazinnovations will complement the funding that COWMAS received earlier from StartHubWageningen and StartLife, an agrifoodtech accelerator from The Netherlands. The funding from QazInnovations will help to develop a commercial version of the platform for cattle data monitoring and analytics. The goal of the COWMAS team is to help livestock farmers to run efficient and sustainable farming by supporting their activities with an advanced cattle management technology. With the COWMAS platform, farmers can solve the problems of identification, structured records keeping, storage and analysis of operational data about each individual animal, group of animals or herd of cattle. In addition, COWMAS platform will be the basis for the later implementation of remote cattle monitoring functionality.


Interview for StartHub Wageningen